Mesiac kedy je priorita nnajmä na stred tela sa nám pomaly blíži ku koncu. V júli sa na tréningoch často objavovali prídavné cvičenia na stred tela, ttb alebo rôzne tabaty. Dnes pre vás máme chuťovečku v podobe around the words.

[wod]1) Strict Pull Ups 10-9-8-7-…
Advanced: Weighted

2) For Time:
Buy In: 200m Farmers Carry
3 Rounds of:
50 DU
40m Bear Crawl
20 Wall Balls
Buy Out: 200m Farmers Carry

3) Around the worlds
3×5 (each side, 10 total)
-partner holds the bar as high as possible for you

Čo to je ten around the world?